Notices w/c 16th February 2025
Monday 17th February, 9.30am at St Anne's, Informal Prayer Group. A small, informal group will meet to pray for the church, our community and the needs of the world. All welcome!
Tuesday 18th February, 2.00pm in the St Anne's Church Rooms, Baslow Fellowship Extra Meeting. Please bring scissors, a strong needle and strong thread, and join us in mending the church hassocks. Refreshments. All are welcome.
Tuesday 18th February, 6.30pm at St Anne's, Church Choir Practice. If you might be interested in joining us, please contact Claire De la Haye on claire.delahaye@hotmail.co.uk
Wednesday 19th February, 6.00 at St Anne's, Evening Prayer. Traditional Service from the Book of Common Prayer. All welcome.
Thursday 20th February, No Bible Study Group this week - back next week. We are studying the Gospel of John, next week studying the passage John 4 v 39 - 5 v 18. All welcome! For more information about the Bible Study, please email hello@stannesbaslow.org.uk.
Friday 21st February, 2.00pm at Baslow Village Hall, Baslow Senior Citizens. Ian Johnston - "Is Politics at Whitehall irretrievably broken? A former Mandarin's view". For more information see Baslow Senior Citizens' Club or phone June on 01246 583375.
Sunday 23rd February, 9.45am at St Anne's. Morning Worship Service. All welcome!
Friday 7th March, 10.00am in St Anne's Church. World Day of Prayer Service. This service will be led by the Baslow Fellowship and has been prepared by women of the Cook Islands. All welcome.
Saturday 8th March, 2.30pm to 3.30 pm in St Anne's Church, March Merriment presented by Baroque in the North. We are delighted to welcome back 'Baroque in the North', a professional Manchester-based chamber ensemble specialising in 16th-18th century music, played on period instruments. After the fabulous reception for their concert last year, they are returning to Baslow to host this afternoon concert. The concert will be followed by refreshments and homemade cakes. Hope you can come! Please visit https://baroqueinthenorth.com/events/ for tickets and further details..
Good Friday 18th April, 1.30 to 7.00pm at St Anne's. Come & Sing Event. We are inviting people to join us to work on excerpts from Handel's 'Messiah', during an afternoon choral workshop with St. Anne's Church Choir and members of Bel Canto, and then to sing these as part of a special Good Friday Evensong at 6.00pm. For more information, including how to register, please see Come & Sing.
Easter Sunday 20th April, 9.45am at St Anne's. Easter Sunday Worship Service with Choral Communion. All welcome!