Baptisms, Weddings and Funerals
Becoming a parent is a time of great joy and hope. It is also a time of huge personal upheaval as our lives adjust to the demands and responsibilities of raising and nurturing a precious new life.
We may feel a sense of our own power and responsibility and be daunted. We may equally be aware of our own powerlessness as we confront aspects of life that we cannot control, in a world full of both opportunity and challenge.
Baptism is an opportunity to bring our children to God, to receive His blessing and to ask for his strength and love in our lives.
We love baptisms, and they are open to everyone. Please contact us if you would like to know more.

Marriage is important. Getting married is the single biggest thing you can do to ensure a long-lasting and loving relationship. Controlling for all other factors, couples who make public vows together are far more likely to stay together than couples who do not.
Getting married in church is an opportunity to make your vows before God, and ask Him for his help to love each other for better, for worse, for richer and poorer.
Anyone with a qualifying connection to the parish (for example you or your family live here) can get married at St Anne's. If you would like to enquire please contact us (contact details below).
Nothing can really prepare us for the loss of someone we have loved and spent our lives with. Suddenly we are pitched into grief and a different way of life. The funeral is an important point in the grieving process. It is also a way of giving thanks for the life, and to bring family and friends together to offer support.
To have a funeral at St Anne's please inform the funeral directors. The clergy will then visit you to discuss and plan the funeral and to ensure that it reflects the life of the person you have lost.
To find out more please contact us (contact details below).